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New projects in Newcastle

Dear Project Subscriber,

Because you’ve previously been interested in, and have signed up to news items about projects like Streets for People and the Local Cycling and Walking Plan, we thought you’d like to be notified about work we are doing to create Safer, Cleaner, Greener Neighbourhoods in the City.

An overview of the programme can be found at together with links to the interactive maps to generate ideas for interventions in Kenton, West Fenham, Shieldfield and Ouseburn Valley. There’s also an email address and phone number to put forward ideas for parts of Jesmond, east of Osborne Road.

More areas will be added to the programme in the coming weeks, so please keep an eye on the web site and share your ideas with us - we’re collecting ideas until the 31st January.

Best wishes,

The Neighbourhoods Team

Newcastle City Council.

Posted on 25th January 2022

by The Neighbourhoods Team

Proposals for Jesmond now available!

Have your say: 16th October – 30th November 2017

A local group have been working with an Urban Designer to turn your ideas about improving the experience of getting around in Jesmond into a set of proposals.

The ideas include new pedestrian crossings; segregated cycle lanes; decluttering footways and improving public spaces. The designs add value to schemes that already exist by connecting up sections of routes and making walking or cycling an attractive choice to reach local schools, shops and services.

The project is motivated by people who want children to be able to walk, scoot or ride to school, be able to play out in the streets where they live and grow up breathing cleaner air. All of this requires a reduction in the amount of traffic on our residential streets – less through traffic and for local residents, more walking or cycling for short distances within the neighbourhood – we can all do our bit!

Have your say!

View our Jesmond Proposals and comment until 30th November 2017. You can also learn more about the neighbourhood plan for Jesmond on . There’s information about the schemes, there’s drawings and surveys to record your feedback.

Or, you can visit the display in Jesmond Library or phone 0191 277 7681 for more information.

Posted on 16th October 2017

by Newcastle City Council Engagement Team